p = np

P vs. NP and the Computational Complexity Zoo

Biggest Puzzle in Computer Science: P vs. NP

Proving P=NP Requires Concepts We Don't Have | Richard Karp and Lex Fridman

16. Complexity: P, NP, NP-completeness, Reductions

P vs NP on TV - Computerphile

P vs. NP - The Biggest Unsolved Problem in Computer Science

P vs. NP - An Introduction

What P vs NP is actually about

PNP-SAF is ready to Shine at UAE SWAT 2025 #shortclip #support #subscribes

Does P = NP? | Complexity Theory Explained Visually

P and NP - Georgia Tech - Computability, Complexity, Theory: Complexity

Nos algorithmes pourraient-ils être BEAUCOUP plus rapides ? (P=NP ?)

Das Millennium-Problem „P versus NP“ – Eines der sieben größten Abenteuer der Mathematik

8. NP-Hard and NP-Complete Problems

What will the P=NP proof look like? | Cal Newport and Lex Fridman

P vs. NP: Das MILLIONEN Dollar PROBLEM der Informatik

The odds that P=NP is 3% | Scott Aaronson and Lex Fridman

Stephen Cook on P vs NP

Cook explains why P=NP matters.

If P=NP, you can break every encryption in the world | Scott Aaronson and Lex Fridman

Should You Try To Solve P Vs NP? - Intro to Theoretical Computer Science

NP-COMPLETENESS - The Secret Link Between Thousands of Unsolved Math Problems

Can we prove P=NP and not find the algorithm? | Scott Aaronson and Lex Fridman

¿Qué es eso del problema P versus NP?